20 Mayıs 2013 Pazartesi

Achieving sustainable trade with gritty networking!

As Salesupp.NET, we always insist on networking in order to get long term sustainable trade. So, what does sustainable trade mean? Sustainable trade is cooperating with existing buyers and suppliers efficiently while at the same time adding potential buyers and suppliers into network. Once you add a new company in your network, the most important thing should be done is staying in close contact. By this way, you can run existing business while generating new ones. This is how long term sustainable trade can be achieved by networking. But, this process requires continuous effort on the contrary of what almost all companies do on online marketplaces.  International trade is not something like that you will have new business while sending same long messages and emails automatically. On this perspective, online world works like offline, which relies on personal relationships.

Last week I have read the article of Cheryl Conner from Forbes and watched speech of Angela Lee Duckworth on TED, which emphasize on being gritty to be successful. “Being gritty”! This is the word I was looking for to define sustainable trade process. So, let’s look against what we should be gritty in trade networking. 

There can be industry, market or product specified obstacles on the way of networking for sustainable trade. But, I have determined 5 big sets you should jump overJ.

- Not having plan. Beginning is the hardest part. So, take time for forecasting, correcting deficiencies and planning for future steps. I know, your plan will not go smoothly but, it will give you considerable insights.

- Questions. Networking starts with meeting with new companies in your interest field and naturally questions come with it. But, you should reply these questions by one by, not in automatic mood. Listen and reply carefully. You should value other side’s ideas and thoughts, as we always underlineJ.

- Solve problems. There can be many problems on your way. Solve them not skip. Don’t be in mood of “not that important”. This is really important to flatten your way and see the future clearly.

- Tiredness. Networking for sustainable trade is a long way. You should be patient. Gaining confidence of other companies is not easy and you should keep contacting with them.

- Down times. Sometimes your business can fluctuate. You should be resistant and not forget networking. Otherwise, when you back to your networks, you will have to show effort one more time.

Yes, networking requires being gritty. Find new companies, add them to your networks and stay in close contacts with them. These are not that easy as it is read. You should go on networking way with patient and by overcoming obstacles. After some time, things will be on their ways and you will have to spend less effort. Of course you will be achieved big gift, sustainable trade.

'True Grit': What It Takes To Succeed As An Entrepreneur: http://onforb.es/13s8fDw
The key to success? Grit: http://bit.ly/10B3REF

13 Mayıs 2013 Pazartesi

What do you expect from virtual trade fairs? (Comments are highly expected !!!)

Trade fairs are one of the most important parts of the international trade. Every year, a lot of trade shows are organized and millions of business people visit these fairs. These organizations generate many connections and businesses. But, on the other side they have some shortages or difficulties such as cost and time. Companies and visitors spend a lot of money and time to attend trade fairs. Ok, it is good to travelJ but, still so costly. And among all these issues, footprints of online world have shown themselves in this area as well and we have learned a new term: Virtual trade fairs. This new service can be defined as online simulation of real life trade fairs without travelling and spending high amount of money. But, can they replace real life trade fairs at least in some extent? 

We expect you to share your ideas about what you expect from virtual trade fairs.

To help you, I would like to emphasize on general benefits why companies attend and visit to real life trade fairs:

-  Companies display their new and existing products in these organizations.

- Exporter and importer companies meet with potential partners and can get new businesses.

- Companies can enlarge their networks by attending lounge room meetings and exchanging business cards.

- Companies can monitor new trends in their industries.

- Companies can monitor their rivals. 

- Taking place in trade fairs brings prestige with itself.

These are general advantages of trade fairs and we expect your comments and ideas by considering these issues. Of course, you can add more benefits you think you can get from trade fairs.  So, tell us what you would expect from a VIRTUAL trade fair in comparison with real life trade fair.

P.S. You know our motto: International trade is all about networking J and you also know the new address to create your sales and supply networks: Salesupp.NET. FREE sign up stage is open!!! Don’t be late to join the new trade world :)

6 Mayıs 2013 Pazartesi

Why is personalized trade better than generalized trade?

Online trade platforms are used by companies heavily due to considerable benefits they present. But, what has grabbed my attention is that when companies move to online portals, they change their classical personalized trade behaviors with generalized one. Firstly, I want to explain what personalized and generalized trades are. Let’s assume that your company needs a product, what do you do? You asked to your existing suppliers and this is what should be done. Thanks to personal contact, you know and trust them. Also, this way saves you money and time. This is what we called personalized trade, which leans to personal close contacts. But, what companies do on online trade portal is that they just throw their demands or leads out and wait for reply. Who will reply? Someone unknown. Then, we hear a lot of conflicts and complaints. Of course, most of your demands and leads will not be recognized and replied. So, this is what we called as generalized trade. I have talked many companies and realized that even though they are aware of inefficiency of generalized approach, they are not tend to change their way of doing business. Because, it is easy and quick to do. So, in this post, I will explain why personalized trade is better than generalized approach. 

-Trust issue. Having confidence against other part is essential in international trade. Having business with some companies you don’t know well, bring a lot of problems with itself. So, with personal contacts in large and effective networks, you can have healthier trade operations. You will not have to deal with fake demands, leads and companies, which existing generalized trade platforms have plenty of.

- Reply. On generalized portals, when you create a trade lead, you publish it and cannot be sure if you will be replied. Even though you are replied, you will not know the company,which is interested in your lead. So, this is another risk. But, in personalized trade, you will develop large and effective networks and be already in contact with many companies, which you can cooperate with. So, when you create a new trade lead, you will send it to companies you know and can be sure that you will be replied.

-Strategy developing. On almost every trade portal, you deal with companies you don’t know and it is not possible to contact with them continuously on these portals. A lot of companies around, you don’t who they are or whether you can trust them and you cannot stay in contact with them. Totally chaos! In this case, getting feedbacks for your products, service or promotional efforts is not that possible. We know how feedbacks are important to develop future strategy. But, in personalized approach you can get feedbacks fluently thanks to networking system and direct your efforts to more effective ways.

-Short term vs. long term. On many trade portals, you see many companies and trade leads. Most of them are not available unfortunately. Even though, you catch real import demands, probably you will have a short term trade because of potential problem due to lack of pre-communication and trust. But, in personalized trade system, you will develop close relations with other companies in large and effective networks and build trust, which will put you on long term trade direction.

Almost all existing trade portals embrace generalized approach and therefore, companies change their trade behaviors. But, Salesupp.NET is online anymoreJ. You can create your networks, set up continuous relationships with companies and get long term sustainable trade.Salesupp.NET provides you personalized trade, which is you are already used to. You shouldn’t change your classical personalized trade but you can make it more and more effective with Salesupp.NET.